CE Class

Basic water rights 101. A brief introduction to Water Law and the 1909 water code, the anatomy of a water right, exempt uses of water, and a brief introduction to OWRD (Oregon Water Resources Department) interactive mapper.

Taught by: Marcy Osborn, District 8 Watermaster

Event Date April 18, 2023 10:00 am
Event End Date April 18, 2023 11:00 am
Registered 11
Location Baker County Public Library

Please login to register for this event

In this course you will learn:

  • Is there a shortage of appraisers?
  • Rapidly changing market conditions and sales concessions
  • ANSI and how might affect your transactions
  • Desktop and hybrid appraisals
  • FHA checklist
  • What makes a good comparable sale
  • How to complete a reconsideration request for best results
  • Examples of adjustment techniques
  • A typical paired sales analysis (or how to get an adjustment)

Taught by: Dori Davis, Pac Res Mortage, Chief Appraiser

Event Date April 18, 2023 1:00 pm
Event End Date April 18, 2023 2:00 pm
Registered 28
Location COAR Office

Please login to register for this event


Expand Your Business and Horizons

Cultivating Multicultural Relationships is Good for Business

REALTORS® know the importance of adapting and remaining relevant in today’s marketplace. By developing a business practice rooted in inclusion and equality, you can help buyers of all cultural backgrounds achieve the dream of homeownership.

The At Home With Diversity® (AHWD) certification course teaches you how to work effectively with diverse populations so you can build business success in today’s multicultural real estate market.

Bonus! The At Home With Diversity® certification course counts as an elective for the Accredited Buyer’s Representative (ABR®) Designation and Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS) Designation, and towards the C2EX Endorsement.

For more information visit NAR.realtor/AHWD.

This is a live, in-person class held in the COAR Classroom 2112 NE 4th Street, Bend OR.

Taught by Debra Gisriel


"Going through the Fair Housing Challenge and earning the At Home With Diversity certificate is totally an eye-opening and mind-shocking experience. I started my real estate business in a very diverse market; everything seemed OK and normal. I never thought about fair housing issues nor the fair housing rules and regulations. I confidently believed I had been doing a great job helping my clients in their real estate needs. Once I spent the time going through Fair Housing training and courses of AHWD, I was shocked that I had been very close to violating fair housing rules in the past without awareness, or even with very good purposes in mind. For example, as a real estate professional, we always want to be effective and save our clients time. Often I immediately figured out where to show houses and where not to go after talking to my clients the very first time. I made the assumption and thought I saved them time, but I might not know who they really are and what they really want. I almost violated the fair housing rules and laws, even from my mind I was doing it with good intentions. So it’s very important for us real estate professionals to go through these education and training processes, raising the awareness of Fair Housing violations. Some actions without awareness can cause severe consequences. You will learn a whole lot more through the Fair Housing Challenge and At Home With Diversity courses. Believe me, you will benefit from this process!"  ~Helen Chen Marston, Keller Williams Central Oregon, COAR Diversity Workgroup Vice-Chair


Non COAR Members: $100

COAR Members: $90 (must be logged in to receive member pricing)

COAR Ed Club Members: $65 (must be logged in to receive Ed Club pricing)


Application Fee: $40 Special Pricing through December 31, 2023, Regular Price $75


Lunch sponsored by: Amy Moore, Complements Home Interiors


Event Date April 19, 2023 9:00 am
Event End Date April 19, 2023 4:30 am
Cut off date April 19, 2023 8:30 am
Registered 16
Location COAR Office

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

This course will cover:

  • Decreed Rights vs Permitted Rights. 
  • Unique to Wallowa county decreed basins 
  • Duty vs Rate
  • Times of shortage - how water is regulated. 
  • Ponds
  • Transfers - changes to water rights 
  • New applications for water rights
  • Stored water rights vs live flow 
  • Groundwater 

Taught by: David Bates, District 7 Watermaster

Event Date April 20, 2023 10:00 am
Event End Date April 20, 2023 11:00 am
Registered 20
Location Toma's Conference Room

Please login to register for this event

Save 40% on Continuing Education real estate courses on April 26th by visiting, COAR.TheCEShop.com and using the promo code RAIN.

Event Date April 26, 2023 12:00 am
Event End Date April 26, 2023 9:55 pm