WEBINAR Crypto, FinTech, Blockchain, Metaverse & Real Estate - What Do They Mean? 2 CE
The "Metaverse" is a synonym for the multiverse, meaning “a theoretical reality that includes a possibly infinite number of parallel universes.” The digital world is a business environment that has brought metaverse into economic discussions. And why are big brands buying real estate in the multiverse?
Cryptocurrency is a digital currency designed to work as a medium of exchange through a computer network that is not reliant on any central authority, such as a government or bank, to uphold or maintain it. And why are stores installing Bitcoin (a cryptocurrency) ATMs right next to the traditional bank ATMs, like Wells Fargo and Chase?
So what does this change for the real estate industry?
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Axia Home Loans, Sales Manager
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Definitions of Metaverse source from Miriam Webster.
Purpose of Cryptocurrency sourced from Wikipedia.
Event Properties
Event Date | August 19, 2022 1:00 pm |
Event End Date | August 19, 2022 3:00 pm |
Registered | 76 |
Individual Price | $5.00 |
Location | Webinar |